Hello Families!

My name is Lauren, and I am excited to introduce myself as your child’s teacher for the upcoming year. This will be my second year working in childcare, and I truly believe I have found my passion in working with children. I have always felt a deep joy in my heart when being around kids, and now I get to follow in the footsteps of my mom, an elementary teacher of 40 years, to help guide and teach them during some of their most formative years.

I have a soft and empathetic demeanor that I believe fits very well in this role. I have never lost my sense of childlike imagination and ability to play. Working with children brings out the best version of myself, and I feel incredibly lucky to have found a career that is both meaningful and rewarding on a personal level.

I promise to bring my very best self each and every day for your children. They deserve a teacher who is committed to their happiness, safety, and sense of belonging at school. I will strive to grow alongside them and learn from them while being a positive and happy role model. I believe we, as humans, are never done growing and changing, and children can teach us so much about ourselves. I am absolutely privileged to work with them.

A little bit about me: when I am not working, you can almost certainly find me at home with my wonderful husband, our two cats, and our two dogs (yes, it is a zoo in here!). I enjoy spending my free time reading, playing video games, taking my dogs to the off-leash park, creating art with paint or resin, or sometimes just having a good nap. I hope that one day, I will have my own children to make my little family complete.

I truly look forward to meeting all the new little faces this fall, as well as you, their wonderful families!